It’s a pod life for me..

Business, Cable, Close-Up, Design

I’m always a bit off trend and late to the party….This may explain why I started a blog when blogging is dying and only discovered the glory of the podcast in the last year or so.

I developed a slight obsession with all things crime in podcast land and for a while I had delusions that I would make a kick arse investigative journalist or an equally kick arse serial killer.

It all depended on my mood.

Despite this disturbing discovery, I also found out that I get bored pretty quickly so I have a podcast love list as varied and high as the stack of books next to my bed that I haven’t read yet.

Some fellow podcast loving friends and I share some pod-recommendations with each other, and I received one recently which I loved.

There is nothing better than reading or hearing something that unravels your own thoughts and transforms them into a word opera. I think that’s why some of us feel compelled to share quotes. We read something that puts our thoughts into poetic words that we can’t conger up ourselves.

The podcast I’m sharing has a bit of a cheesy name, but if you can get past that, this episode touches on a lot of important topics including living a life of purpose, mental health, social media  and chasing happiness. It mainly speaks about the concept of resilience and how we can achieve that through gratitude, empathy and mindfulness.

These are the buzz words of our time and they get bandied around so much I sometimes switch off to it and eye roll, but it’s good stuff and these concepts remind me to stay grounded, focus on what’s important and to keep life simple and uncomplicated. The dude being interviewed is Hugh van Cuylenburg and has been in the media as the founder of the Resilience Project.

Resilience is a word I use a lot. It’s something I try to be. It’s something I want our children to learn. I also think it’s the key to coping with life’s ups and downs and it’s definitely a skill that can be taught. There’s an energy about people who have and display resilience, in all of its definitions. They ooze a quiet self assuredness, and despite what gets chucked in their way, they seem to soldier through and know that they will be ok.

As deep and meaningful as all of that sounds… I also listen to total trash which is hilarious and wrong but oh so right at the same time.

Maybe I should post a “pod-recommendo of the week”, and if you’re not a podcast lover, maybe you’ll become one because they are THE BEST! They make laundry and long drives a whole heap more enjoyable.

Speaking of which… I’m off to plug in and tackle Mt Washington.

Ps. Any other pod cast listeners who may be reading my twaddle please please share your favourites.


Clickity Click to listen….